i'm confused, does USB transfer rates depend on how many channels of data are involved?
Khanc, what do you mean?
ioria, If i save the files to my flash drive and then use the flash drive to install Ubuntu will my flash drive be just empty?
Khanc, how many files?
ioria, around 300GB
Khanc, hd or usb?
ioria, usb drive
Khanc, yes, it will be, but, you need an empty drive to install; you can create partitions with Gparted
Khanc, that's all
ioria, Thank you
how can i change keyboard shortcuts in ubuntu (gnome)?
I'm trying to use a $5 tuner stick that came with a receiver that I'm having a hard time with. It's a RCA Sound Plus (if that matters at all)
i use cliqz and amarok as music manager. i want to change that i use the meta key (eg. the one near escape) to play/pause
*i use cliqz and amarok
i want to change that i use the meta key (eg. the one near escape) to play/pause
t0th: you can set keyboard shortcuts in system settings -> keyboard. the options will vary from application to application.
ducasse: i have only those shortcuts with cliqz and amarok
but i want that i can use the meta key to play/pause
t0th: can't you use the cli commands to change those shortcuts?
aq how i can do
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